24 things 24 taught me- lessons on friendships, marriage, faith, and finding out who i am
okay. if i had to choose a post that i was most nervous to hit publish so far- this is probably it. and honestly, it’s not because of putting it out there to people i don’t know personally (yet!), but because of the people who i live life with on a day to day basis who have either lived these lessons with me, or have been gracious enough to allow me to learn them when i don’t put them into practice consistently. so hear me out. you ready? this is not a list of things i do well. most of these things i am learning the hard way through trials and uncomfortable conversations, hurt feelings and lots of tears. if i could make a goal for my next year of life, it would be to read this list regularly and remind myself to put these lessons into practice. so here goes nothing: FRIENDSHIPS 1. don’t cling so tightly to the way a friendship used to be that you can’t allow it to grow and change as your life changes. 2. give your friends grace, becau...